Monday, 10 August 2009

Oil exploration in Trivandrum

Everyone is talking of the oil exploration off the Kochi coast but no one is paying any notice to the exploratory efforts in Trivandrum. In fact, the whole city has been dug up - if there were a war going on, I could have said that they were trenches - but as there is nothing of the sort and there is a real chance of finding oil somewhere around, I suspect that I smell something oily. This whole fuss about Kerala Water Authority digging up roads to lay waterpipes is just a farce - they're after oil, mates!

There was a cartoon some days back in the newspaper - a kid was learning his history lessons - when he reads that U.S had dropped an n-bomb over Japan, he asks his mom, Why? Did they have Japan Drinking Water Programme too?"

Poor Japan! It doesn't know how hated this country's name has become in this city! And all it did was to give aid to the Kerala Government to renovate the water supply system in the city. The KWA, with great panache, dug up all the roads it could find in the city. Some people have lost their lives in accidents that were caused by the potholes created in the process. A child actually wrote in his Board examination that the programme was a public nuisance as it killed people.

So I humbly request the KWA to complete the digging, sorry, oil exploration as soon as possible. And after that, for God's sake, repair the roads!

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