Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Of hotel suites and food crises

Mr. S.M.Krishna and Mr. Tharoor, both from the MEA were asked to vacate their five star suites. While Mr. Tharoor claims to have paid the bill from his own pocket, we have no such comment from Mr. Krishna.

I do not bother whether they stay in five star suites or in the guest houses. At the rate at which Chinese influence is growing, I don't think they will be ministers for long. I hope I will see one really good external affairs minister before I die. This is one of my greatest wishes: India puts someone with a real idea of how the things are in the MEA.

Our dear old Prime Minister says we need not worry about the food crisis - we have plenty of food in the FCI godowns. Yes, we have thousands of tonnes of rotting rice and wheat grains in the godowns. But of what use that is, when the poor do not have enough money to buy the food? Hunger in India is now not due to scarcity of food - it is due to abject poverty of a vast section of people. The prices of food items have shot up meteorically in the past couple of months. What is the government doing? Other than banning export of some food items according to its whims and fancies, nothing has been done. Or I have been sleeping. I just wish we had a general election every four years. Or the right to recall the elected representatives.

I wouldn't blame the Ministry of Agriculture. It is doing a lot of work, at least in paper. Their plans read more like a kindergarten student's daydreams than anything that can be realised. Unless farmers are made aware of the schemes that benefit them, unless they are given the freedom to decide the crop they want to cultivate in their land, we cannot hope to maintain our buffer stocks forever. The FCI is not an Akshayapathra. Nor are our farmers magicians who can pull rabbits out of empty hats.

Meanwhile, lobbying for the post of AP Chief Minister continues. After seeing the rest of the contenders, I am finding it quite tempting to support the son's cause. Ah! That my country has reached this state!

The latest from the saga of RSS-BJP love story:
VHP has finally realised that the BJP leader Mr. L.K. Advani used the Ram Mandir issue for his political gain. (Did this jagaran come out of chinthan and manthan after the election?) This thunderbolt of a realisation belongs to the same category as the one someone named Siddhartha had some millenia ago. Now we need an emperor to sponsor a stupa to mark the spot where the VHP attained this knowledge. Unfortunately, Mayawati is no longer allied with BJP. Otherwise, she could have easily built one along with her statues.

Now Mr. Singhal, how about contacting Mr. Modi?

1 comment:

Sudeep said...

the benefits of our growing economy has not had any impact on those who are struggling to get enough food to sustain their lives. And that kind of people exist in large numbers,in our country, especially in northern states. In that situation, we should be shameful to boast about the growth of our economy.

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