Monday, 21 September 2009

Nothing to do.

Days like these are characterised by an indescribable sadness that threatens to overflow my heart and drag me down to the depths of an unfathomable trench of depression. Not that I have ever sunk that deep but the threat is sometimes quite enough to pull me out of my characteristic inertia into life back again. The biggest fear in my life is that I may run out of aims. Not that I may burn out. I may get bruised, broken, but hey, what else is life for, other than falling down, getting wounded, but getting up still and keep treading on the path which you have chosen. The greatest feeling in the world is the one you have while you are working hard to attain your aim. Not even the joy you have when you succeed can match it. This is because, life suddenly feels empty once you have achieved what you have wanted. Unless you settle some other goal for yourself. Isn't it?


abinesh said...

Exactly....... "life suddenly feels empty once you have achieved what you have wanted."

I strongly agree to and believe this. Good to know that many of us are going through the same thing. I guess we need new sets of ambitions.

abinesh said...

I thought this was a little related to this blog post.

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