Thursday, 16 August 2007


I have always wondered why people bother to exercise. I mean, to me, it doesn't make much of a difference at all - everyone has to die someday, whether you exercise or not.

Well, I also understand that the above excuse is a pretty lame one for not doing any. The main reason I do not want to do any exercise is that I will have to do it in the morning, so I lose my morning sleep. That is exactly the worst thing that can happen to me.

Unfortunately, my mother doesn't think so. She has decreed that starting from today, I go for morning walk everyday. And, there is no appeal against her decrees. Her word is the rule for me. (sob!)

I walked to Pattom and back today. I guess I will have to do it tomorrow as well. The situation is clearly out of my control.

(Thinking back, however, I feel that mom's right, as usual. I know I have been putting on weight and so I will have to shed my flab soon. The sooner, the better.)

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