Thursday, 2 May 2013

Bony and blithe and good and gay

I belong to the generation in which this particular nursery rhyme was taught to us without any second thought.
As I grew up, however, the meaning of the last word changed. I do not think it would be in English textbooks anymore. Which is sad as it is a beautiful, though a thoroughlt superstitious rhyme.
I think that humankind has been growing up as I did, accepting ourselves with all our faults. The realizations maybe painful at times. But accepting others as they are and giving up preconceptions about people I meet has been a major change I have seen in myself in the past few years.
I have become less bigoted and less prone to thinking that my way is right. Everything is now a shade of grey and I'm not bothered by the complexities in the world anymore. At peace with myself.
I cannot reasinably expect everyone else to be like me. Nor is the case that whatever was taught to me was the only truth. The life and this world has far more possibilities and problems than I can strive to comprehend and the least I can do is to be non-judgemental and understanding.

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