Thursday, 9 May 2013

A Regret

I still remember each momentvof the day clearly. I was at home for the study holidays and my mother was getting ready to go to the bank. All of a sudden she collapsed into the bed and stopped talking. She was trying to talk initially but words wouldn't come out of her mouth. Then her feet went really cold. I was alarmed and called dad at office. He came in quickly and with the help of out neighbours, took her to the SUT Hospital at Pattom.

They diagnosed it as brain haemorrhage and suggested that she be taken to Shree Chithira Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology. SCIMST is a specializes in complicated cardio- and neurosurgeries. I still remember standing and crying in the middle of the junction at Pattom.

My mother's family arrived the next day. Till then my parents' friends and coworkers at SBI were helping us manage the situation. I am grateful to all of them.

Dr. Bhattacharya of SCIMST led the team that did the surgery. My mother was glad that they did not shave her hair off. It was successful. My mother soon became herself again.

One of my biggest regrets in life is that I could not meet Dr. Bhattacharya and tell him how thankful I am for saving my mother's life.

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