Thursday, 25 April 2013

My job, my life

People often ask me what I do. I reply "I work in AG's Office." And that usually sets off a long set of questions - what do you do there, how you got the job, etc. The most common question I get asked is if I am taking the exam again. They are usually quite amused when I say no.

My answer has got a lot to do with what I define to be my happiness. I am not very comfortable with excessive limelight or scrutiny. I love to have time for myself to chill out. And I love to be left to my thoughts in solitude. I can be quite neurotic at times.

Government employees too form a bell curve. And I am afraid I would fall in the workaholic category and ruin my life if I were to be in any other service. This service gives me an optimum amount of work that keeps me entertained without going overboard.

My situation reminds me at times of the Mark Twain shory story of a guy who became a monk as he finally found clothes that were not a pain to wear.

But, that dear friends, is me.

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