Sunday, 22 May 2011

A Malabar Monkey in a Military Mess

I have always hated spoons and forks and knives - even when not eating with them. Even when I try to cook, I try not to use them. Anything with a handle repels me. In restaurants, when the waiters would place spoons alongside dishes for eating, I would move them as far from my dish as possible. I was addicted to eating with fingers - the traditional Indian way of eating. The only thing I ate with a spoon was the ice cream.

All that has changed since I reached Poone. The mess here encourages eating with forks, knives and spoons. And the word 'encourages' means the same thing as in 'China 'encourages' the single child policy.' At first I resisted, continuing to eat with my fingers as long as dad was around. But as soon as dad went back, my courage ditched me and I started to eat with those steel contraptions.

I have to thank the internet for saving me from starvation. I did not have a clue about the rules governing these 'weapons of destruction'. So sought refuge in Google and lo and behold! I was turning into a master of the theoretical aspects of both the continental and the American style.

But theory is a bit different from practice. Fork and spoon are used here more often than fork and knife. And cutting the roti with a spoon can lead to awkward situations. So improvisation became necessary. Ditto with chicken curry. Thus, eating, for me, has become a 'learning exercise' than a process to enjoy the food!

I would not say that I have reached the 'expert' level in the game of these contraptions. I still keep making mistakes. But I hope I have moved into 'Medium' from 'Easy'.

The biggest achievement would be to eat puttu made of punja rice with a fork and a knife. That would be the 'expert' level.


nithiN said...

you're a master of gallows humour!
The last lines were a feast..

Anonymous said...

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