Friday, 20 May 2011

An Apology

What I really want to write now is a scathing article on the ineptness of the government which did not even bother to double-check the names in the 'Most wanted' list given to Pakistan, which hoped to arrest Kim Davy in Denmark with an expired warrant and other innumerable sins of omission and commission - some celebrated by the media and others buried deep in the files which will never be opened again.
The thing is, it is pointless to complain. Indian government is hopelessly inept these days in many areas that citizens expect it to be efficient. The government on the other hand, consider these to be the areas that require least attention.

Everyone knows what Pakistan will do with our 'Most wanted' list, even if it was correct - they will have a good laugh over the Indian government which 'expects' it to hand over Dawood Ibrahim and punish the 26/11 perpetrators. So both the GoI and the GoP know that the handing over of the list is a mere exercise to reassure the Indian citizens that the government exists. It does not matter which names are on the list. Nobody from the government on either side bothers to read it. But only this time the media played the spoilsport.

About Kim Davy. What happens after India arrests him? We will house him in a five-star jail, conduct a long trial, then watch as he appeals to the HC and then to the SC with 'breaking news' about the 'shocking revelations' about 'those in power'. And the great Indian middle class will add a few extra layers of skin and become more dumb and more deaf as the tamasha progresses. Which leads me to believe that CBI's intention might habe been more altruistic than we give it credit for. After all, the government is trying to reduce deficit by committing even the suicidal act of increasing petrol prices by unheard-of amounts though MPs who do not even attend the Parliament regularly get paid obscene amounts just because they are 'HMSs' (his/her master's servants). So the CBI was actually doing the taxpayer a favour by not creating another 'Kasabish' situation. But, what were these idiots in the media thinking of? Don't they think that we have to make up for the loss of two lakh crore rupees?
The GoI is not inept, nor is it stupid. In a world where economists are given a free hand, you can always expect rotting foodgrains and malnourished people because that makes 'economic sense', obscenely low limit for the poverty line because a government that can spend lakhs on a few rolls of toilet paper cannot 'afford' to acknowledge the actual level of poverty in the country if it has to control its deficit. When fiscal deficit becomes more important than government deficit, and now, even moral deficit, what hope can the citizens have?
India's tryst with destiny began at midnight and unfortunately, a majority have still not had a glimpse of the sun that is now surely rising. Confined to the darkness by insurmountable barriers of corruption, illiteracy, nepotism and misgovernance, the majority still find life to be a struggle for existence.

And I am a hippocrat too,blogging about the struggling millions from an aiconditioned room from a gadget those people may never even dream of owning.


nithiN said...

a bundle of contradictions!

tryingtowrite said...

Just happened to blog it to kill time. Pretty much upset that the GoI is not quick enough. So trying to find the 'silver lining' of government policy and policy execution these days.

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