Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Structure of the (mis)government: Ai

Ai was a (namesake) republic. The President was usually called a rubber-stamp. His/her favourite pastimes included gardening, visiting other countries, jumping out of security cauldrons to make news the next day and occasionally sending back bills. Presidents were usually men, and there was a huge jubilation when a woman was made the rubber stamp.(It seems everyone was tired of seeing men being made rubber stamps. According to popular notions, women make better rubber stamps than men.)

Oooh! I forgot that the President had to help the illiterate members of the government read something known as 'oath of secrecy' and 'oath of office'. Now, this could actually be taken in any language, but people usually preferred languages they couldn't understand - so that they'd not have to bear the prick of the conscience (I do not know what the last word actually means: never met a politician wearing that flower.). in case they couldn't keep their oath (which was usually the case).

Ai had a Parliament too, with two houses - one was for the elders: you had to be 90 to qualify. Exceptions were made if you were suffering from the diseases afflicting people belonging to the age group mentioned above. Then there was a 'lower' house. You had to be a criminal or a crorepati (The members of the latter usually belong to the former category) to enter it.

The party with majority in the lower house formed the Cabinet which had a Prime Minister. The PM, as a rule was a highly educated person(to keep up appearances). The ministers were usually goons with a sprinkling of good persons (just like salt: shouldn't be too much).

The members were elected through elections. Now half the population did not know how to read and write and so never voted. Out of the remaining half, about 50% voted if they could find time for that. So the members could be said to be elected by popular vote.

Ai was divided into 25 or 28 or 30-something states and Union Territories which kept changing their names wreaking havoc with Geography textbooks. When they couldn't change their names, they changed the names of their capital cities into something unpronounceable. In case someone opposed this favourite pastime of the state legislatures, goons' associations would force them to apologize. The people were so entertained by all these that their film industry began to suffer.

(Watch out now for the next post: Balore wars)


Sadique Ali said...

good read!
waiting for the next part!

Sudeep said...

waiting to see how the story would progress

jj said...

gal you should have been the professor teaching me Pol Sci and the Constitution :P
Interesting and getting better with each chapter.

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