Saturday, 31 October 2009

Random incoherence

I'm the laziest student at the Academy - this is what my friends there feel about me. I'm the quintessential backbencher there. Vanishing into thin air when a Professor whom I do not like comes to take class has become a hobby of mine. I sit near the door, just in case...

Then comes the issue of my notes. I've got the full notes of the subjects I like most. Sociology, my first option, is my favourite. I can't help marveling at the subject - so comprehensive, so vague, so logical and still so dumb at the same time. Maybe that is because it is the study of the man and the society.

The funniest part of it is when we study about the psychologists' views on man - specifically Sigmund Freud. Loved the guy - never knew we were all so 'perverted'. Well, pervert is a wrong usage - you can't blame fellows for the chemical reactions in their brains, right?

I've got an agreement with one of my classmates, who has Sociology as her second option. At the end of this course, she'll give me notes of all the classes I bunked, and I'll give her my Sociology notes. Now that is what 'social contract' actually means. Ending 'the condition of despair' to enjoy the fruits of life.

Read recently somewhere that the most confusing fact about man is that this warlike species, doubtful of anything and everything under the sun, came to trust their own members to create what we know as societies. Everyday we trust others to fulfill our needs. Talk about the giant leap of trust!

What an incoherent post! Still, this is the way I think. Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow. Listen to what your inner self says unto you - to find that elusive inner peace we've been searching for centuries.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Mature philosophy. Good.

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