Friday, 31 December 2010

New Year Resolutions

I have decided to make no new year resolutions this time. I've had too many and the usage that 'resolutions are made to be broken' has become impeccably true in the case of all my new year resolutions.

My resolutions are usually:
1. 'I will blog more consistently.' Never worked out.
2. 'I will try to lose weight.' Almost always failed. Usually would put in a month's hardwork and then put on a couple of extra kilograms to make up for the 'loss'. So no pressure this time.
3. 'I will become a little more serious towards life.' After two years of joblessness, this is a resolution I ought to be making but I'm afraid making it will undo the whole thing.
4. 'I will try to connect in a better manner with other people' i.e., cut down on selfishness. I still am in a dilemma. Am I selfish? When I decide that I'm selfish, I usually surprise myself by doing some good deed and vice versa. So I intend to continue in my ambivalent state. Like China. 'We understand India's aspirations with regard to UNSC reforms etc. etc.' These guys must have had years of training in symbolic logic of the Asimov kind.
5. 'I will finish reading the Foundation series.' I am working on that.
6. 'I will get a real job.' With this one, let's see if GoI becomes kind enough to finally send me my appointment letter.
7. 'I will use my talents to their maximum extent.' I dropped this one when I found that I have no talent of any valuable use.
8. 'I will be more optimistic.' Found I can't be more optimistic than my current levels seeing what condition we are in and where we are heading to.

So my resolution is to live life as I've been living for the past couple of years till someone forces me to get out. And that event, I'm 'afraid' is not going to take place any time soon!

Happy new year to all the morons reading this crap! May you get a real job this year! ;)

1 comment:

Sarath C K said...

Happy New Year to you too!!!

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