Thursday, 31 July 2008


Well, it is another 'university exams' season. The only time you understand perfectly when they say that the envelope of the Gaussian distribution is Rician distributed, the only time you read two or three of the driest textbooks ever written, in one go (it takes longer to read a magazine), you find that your memory has more capacity than a 1GB flash drive, you write one or two pages on as simple a thing as a piece of wire (ahem, when used as an antenna, of course), a twelve page derivation seems to be one of the simplest things on earth, you draw the wickedest of the block diagrams at a moment's notice ................

I was just wondering the other day: if everyone 's brain worked the same way as they do on the day before exams at all time, what would happen?
Why is it that I have no problem in understanding a subject on the day before the exam, though I would have found it totally undecipherable just a week ago?

And now the final question:
Why does this university put questions, which are, as a rule, out of syllabus?


Sudeep Halappa- MEnU said...

everyone s a genius but adversity reveals. examz are the real time adversity we create for ourselves to reveal our genius within.

Sudeep Halappa- MEnU said...

you seem to follow politics very keenly.

Rahul Nair said...

Hi Anu,

You write very well.. I loved the read... You should write more...

Checked out your profile as you had the same name as my friend I wondered when she started blogging...
But my visit was not wasted..

Keep blogging....

mea culpa said...

Good one ... keep writing... It's about 2 years I left college... but I still remember how I used to rush trough that one last untouched module just 2 hrs before the exam.

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