Saturday, 1 October 2011

Some things change, some do not.

Having listened to absolutely lame jokes about memory loss and numerical illiteracy by from the Home Minister, we are forced to redefine the meaning of 'Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it did'.

US Govt's IQ went up finally. They have realised in the end that no matter what you do, how muchever you give, Pakistani army will nourish the terrorists it thinks are good and kill the ones it thinks are bad. 'It', of course refers to the top brass of Pak army and no one else. So better save the money in these hard times.

Palestinians are trying to get their state recognised in the UN General Assembly. Of course, Israel will find some way to thwart it. The rest of the world can just wonder at how such a small country that is barely visible on my mini-globe dictates terms to the whole world. Amazing. Stunning. Moral: Never judge anyone/anything by his/her/its size.

Enjoying a week of peace without fasts and blasts and diesel price hikes in the country. I understand that Congress has no intention of returning to power in the next general election. Or it already has some news that BJP is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Or that BJP will lose the election by D-L method. Like our cricket team. It obviously loses the games it plays badly in. But even if it puts up a winning show, rain and D-L do them in.

I am not going to learn the name of the Japanese PM until the day of examination. It is a futile, pointless exercise to learn a difficult name and then to unlearn it when the next one takes charge, even before the year finishes.

It seems EU and Germany have got themselves addicted to 'economic cliffhanging' like the Republicans. The IMF report on global economy of the year is sure gonna read like a best-selling, nail-biting, on-the-edge-of-your-seat, nightmarish thriller. However, movies and books do end.

The climate here is absolutely horrible. I sometimes feel I'm being microwaved. And whenever I read about morons denying climate change, I am reminded about my hobby in seventh standard - I would draw hundreds and thousands of triangles and measure their internal angles in the hope that at least for one of them, the sum of the angles wouldn't be 180 degrees. No, I was a perfectly normal and happy child.

Sometimes I just wonder why our government makes unimplementable laws. After a lot of thinking, I find that it may be doing so, so that the public 'servants' may find their work 'intellectually stimulating' (and financially rewarding).

While reading Indian history, I am just shocked to find how little the government has changed even after independence. We even continue to have the tax on salt that Gandhi protested against in his Dandi march. Not to say of corruption, police excesses, government indiffernce, etc.

So much for our tryst with destiny. I'm feeling miserable.

1 comment:

nithiN said...

what is ur work!

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