Saturday, 3 September 2011


The biggest problems with the government service are the Official Secrets Act and the Civil Service (Conduct) Rules. A civil servant cannot criticise the government and its policies, however rotten they may be. For me, criticism is as natural as breathing. And three months in a highly secretive establishment was enough to make me paranoid about the stuff I write. Hence the long break. Like Holmes said, everything related to my previous job has been completely washed off my brain. So no need to worry now.

We will start by roasting the Republicans in the U.S. because right now, they are the worst idiots in the universe, bar none. (How I wish I could use stronger language!) Their presidential candidates are global-warming-denying, bible-thumping fools who would take the world down with them if any one of them got elected. Not that I am an Obama fan. I'm tired of his showmanship as much as anyone. But at least he sounds like he has got a modicum of grey matter in his head though it is of not much use these days.

I was watching in horror as the Republicans and the Democrats made a cliffhanger of a simple decision of raising the debt limit. Whatever anyone else says, S&P was right in downgrading the U.S. rating. Somebody ought to give them a shock treatment at times.

With the unemployment rate standing still and the announcements of downsizing by the finance sector firms, we are nearing the border of another recession. And our biggest problem is that this world has no one to really look up to.

In U.S., Barry is more concerned about his re-election than saving the world economy, the heads of the Wall Street still believe that the world hasn't moved on from 'Greed is good' days of Gecko, intelligent and sensible Republicans are an extinct breed, Dems are useless and Main Street is helpless.

In EU, the French are mired in controversies, the Germans can never be convinced to spend enough, the Italians and the PIIGS....(don't know how many more countries can a malformed animal name accommodate) countrymen need money to pay their bills thanks to unbelievable levels of spending, dropping efficiency and militant trade unionism.

And the BRICS haven't arrived yet, whatever the economists may say about the Chinese dragon and the Indian back office.

In our own country, we have got a double digit inflation level, a government which seems to be still afraid of reforms in spite of a general support for it on top of a good parliamentary majority and an opposition which has only one panacea for, one opinion on, each and every problem affecting this country: 'We want the PM to resign'.

We had a meaningless, fruitless fast-cum-media-cum-middle-class-campaign in the past few weeks which promised to cure the country of all ills but ended with a defeat-masked-as-unconditional-victory. Right now, we have the C-company taking on the A-company. Hell, if half the people who supported the campaign stopped giving or taking bribes, corruption will be soon buried. Now that the jingoistic farce has ended, I hope people will go back to their old ways. Otherwise, we may lose out on our way to become the most corrupt country in the word.

The Sports bill, a sensible bill that has come out of the sports ministry will never see the Legislature. And nothing will happen to the governments in Delhi, Gujrat, Karnataka or any other state. We always fight for abstract principles and theoretical institutions. We will figh or fast till our death for them. Reforming the existing institutions or even supporting the people trying to do so is so passe. Where is the groundswelling support for Hegde or the Gujrat Lokayukta or even the Sports bill?

This world is doomed.

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