Tomorrow I take my last series test ever. Our teachers are going to give us a party after that:-) We are giving them a party the day after tomorrow. In between, we have to complete our project reports. That is going to be a herculean task indeed. And then, there are the labs.
Still, it feels great! I am going to be an engineering graduate in two months!
The only dampener right now is the fact that mom has gone to Kasargod to attend a function. Almost all my cousins are there. I am stuck here, taking exams. (as usual!)
I wonder how many exams I have taken since I joined the college. Let me see : 18 internal papers+ 9 university papers in first year + 7* (12 internals + 6 university ) + 12 internals this year, taking the tally to 165. Now I have six university papers. That's theory. I didn't count practical exams. They belong to a different category altogether. They are not exams. They are near-death experiences for the students to give them an idea of what actually hell is.
Ah! After two months a period of no exams, finally. No more constant nagging from mom. (I'm lying here. She gave that up long ago, seeing I'll never mend my ways) Reading anything till you get bored. No more assignments. No more worries about the 2.5 modules the teacher did not teach. No more tension about the lab exams. No more last minute cramming up. Life.....can be beautiful at times, you know. It depends on your perspective.
Always look at the sunny side! (If you are not in a desert, that is.)