Wednesday, 5 November 2008

A new beginning?

Obama has won the U.S. Presidential election. It is a great news. He has shown the world that anything is possible for a human being if he/she puts his/her heart into it. His win symbolises the success of humankind against all sorts of barriers. I just hope that he will not lose the goodwill he has now, across the world, as he takes charge as the most powerful man on earth in about two months from now.

Expectations are sky-high. I mean, he will have to be superhuman to fulfill them all. Unlike other heads of state, the whole world looks up to the U.S. President. And it feels great to have someone who has a real experience of being an 'outsider' to be the U.S. President. People believe that it can change the image of America as the other countries see it.

I admire McCain for the way in which he accepted his defeat. I respect the man. He is a fighter, but so is Obama. Still, one can't help but admire McCain when he stated that he admired Obama.

Well, we will be facing a tough time now. Obama is a bit of a protectionist. We still have to see how it is going to affect India, especially our software industry. Still, it is good for the world if U.S. economy stages a comeback under him. We don't have a more powerful growth engine right now. China is still growing, not big enough and India has just arrived on the scene.

Congratulation to the guy who made it in spite of all odds.


Sadique Ali said...

It is certainly a great achievement for a man of color to be the president of a country , where slavery was still practiced few decades ago..
Obama has come a long way from a Civil Rights lawyer in Illinois to the Oval Office..
But President-elect Obama somehow seems to be very different from what Sen.Obama promised to be.

Annie said...

Let us hope that his odds as a senator/ unequal citizen, do not haunt him as the constraints in his functioning. Time and people of America have to prove.

abinesh said...

Quote:"China is still growing, not big enough and India has just arrived on the scene."

I don't think so... India certainly came well after China, but "has just arrived on the scene", I don't think so... Indian Stock Market began its bull run in 2004... its been 4 years since India came to center stage.

Anyways, Good Article :)

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