Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Physics of GoI

Today I overheard a wiseguy cracking jokes about the GoI, inspired by Physics. I am sharing them with you.

Newton's laws:
1. GoI, if at rest, remains at rest and if in motion, tends to go into rest unless a force is applied to keep it in motion.
2. The acceleration (if at all produced) will be directly proportional to the public support or the influence of the person applying the force, in relation to the department that has to move.
3. Every (public) reaction may be followed by an opposite action by the government which will, however, never be equal to the 'reaction'. It will always be either less or much more than the public reaction; i.e., public will never get what it wants. Also, action will always FOLLOW the reaction.

Relativity applied to GoI:
A person who has to get his file cleared at an office and the official handling his file will have totally different perceptions about the concept of 'time'. The difference will however depend on the 'connections' of the former.

Moore's law in GoI:
The number of files to be cleared from a table gets doubled every 18 months. This figure is independent of the use of technology or personnel.

Physicists worry about the number of dimensions the universe has got, its present and its future. For us, the biggest mystery is how GoI finally gets what it wants.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Never Trust

Never trust the smiling faces.
They hide what lie beneath.
For smiles are bought and sold today.

Never trust the tears you see.
They are never truthful these days.
For glycereine is cheap to buy.

Never trust anyone's love.
Love doesn't exist anymore.
For this is the age of lust and dust.

Never trust yourself today.
Nor the words of the wise
For all life is folly, and all men fools.

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