Delhi High Court today directed the Centre to grant permanent commission to women serving in defence services. Till now, women could join the Army only as officers under the Short Service Commission for a maximum period of 14 years. Male officers could receive permanent commission after five years. This is a better thing than the Reservation Bill. Btw, did you know that Pakistan and Afghanistan also have reservation for women in their legislative bodies? Anybody thinks the situation on the ground is going to improve for the ordinary women?
I like Putin. Have been smitten by him ever since I first read about this ex-KGB spy. In fact, I think he was a better Prez for Russia than Obama is for U.S today. Strong, decisive and powerful - that's Putin for you. Well, the news is that he's in India on a 22-hour visit to visit more than a dozen pacts, mainly defence deals. Just wishing the Russian aircraft carriers would be as reliable as their PM.
I just don't understand why people are bothered by what Sarkozy and Bruni do. Grow up, everyone! I am fed up of seeing the French Prez's pics. Also of the news reports about what Michelle Obama wore when she went to god-knows-where. Don't we have enough problems in the world to solve?
But all that fades into nothingness when channels start about Rahul Mahajan. That was covered by even the so-called 'serious' papers. This country is going to the dogs.
China and U.S are meanwhile trading charges over human rights violations. That is funny. Well, U.S violates human rights of citizens of other countries whereas China does that to her own citizens. May be that is the difference.
PC says Pak is a difficult neighbour. I would say it is an 'impossible' neighbour. Its navy tested missiles and torpedoes in the Arabian Sea to warn the ahem, 'enemy'. When will that country realize who its actually enemy is? Today, another 39 people were killed in a suicide attack in Lahore.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
What the hell?
Rajya Sabha passes Women's Reservation Bill. Now clap on your back, all women and men of this wonderful country! Aren't we great? We will now finally have enough women in the legislative bodies to be eye candies. And nothing more.
What the hell is the use of having women's reservation when our Chief Justice says that a woman can marry her rapist if she wants and drop all the charges against him? Everyone knows what will happen if such a practice becomes common. Women will be forced into marriages they do not want once they are raped. This is basically what was or is known as 'Rakshasa marriage'. At least, in earlier times, this was condemned by the society; but now?
Leave that. Everyone knows that most of the women who are going to be elected in the first round will have little or no knowledge of politics initially. Even if they learn something while serving as elected representatives for five years, it is all going to be a waste as they most probably will not get a second chance for the next 10-15 years. What is the use of such a reservation?
Reservation is considered to be a miracle cure for all the ills in this country. We boast of our achievements, which are quite superficial, to be very kind. We dream to be the next superpower when actually more than 60% of the people starve.
Just have a look at this: India's Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR) is 450. Our target is to reduce it to 109 by 2015. I just wonder why Napolean said that 'Impossible' is a word found only in the dictionary of fools. He should have said that 'Possible' is a word found only in the dictionary of the Indian government.
Can any one tell me how on earth is Women's Reservation Bill going to solve the problems of the mangowomen? The policy decision are going to be made by the Cabinet. The government doesn't even take the Parliament into confidence before signing deals with foreign countries. The elected representatives themselves live in ignorance of what transpires; should I say anything about the state of the common man?
We gulp down whatever the media says. If it says the Budget was good, "Oh, it is a terrific budget"; if it says the Budget was bad, "Oh, our economy is going to be affected". The classical case was the n-deal. I am not going to talk about it now.
For now, I will dream that I am in Utopia and that this Bill will solve all the problems of women.
What the hell is the use of having women's reservation when our Chief Justice says that a woman can marry her rapist if she wants and drop all the charges against him? Everyone knows what will happen if such a practice becomes common. Women will be forced into marriages they do not want once they are raped. This is basically what was or is known as 'Rakshasa marriage'. At least, in earlier times, this was condemned by the society; but now?
Leave that. Everyone knows that most of the women who are going to be elected in the first round will have little or no knowledge of politics initially. Even if they learn something while serving as elected representatives for five years, it is all going to be a waste as they most probably will not get a second chance for the next 10-15 years. What is the use of such a reservation?
Reservation is considered to be a miracle cure for all the ills in this country. We boast of our achievements, which are quite superficial, to be very kind. We dream to be the next superpower when actually more than 60% of the people starve.
Just have a look at this: India's Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR) is 450. Our target is to reduce it to 109 by 2015. I just wonder why Napolean said that 'Impossible' is a word found only in the dictionary of fools. He should have said that 'Possible' is a word found only in the dictionary of the Indian government.
Can any one tell me how on earth is Women's Reservation Bill going to solve the problems of the mangowomen? The policy decision are going to be made by the Cabinet. The government doesn't even take the Parliament into confidence before signing deals with foreign countries. The elected representatives themselves live in ignorance of what transpires; should I say anything about the state of the common man?
We gulp down whatever the media says. If it says the Budget was good, "Oh, it is a terrific budget"; if it says the Budget was bad, "Oh, our economy is going to be affected". The classical case was the n-deal. I am not going to talk about it now.
For now, I will dream that I am in Utopia and that this Bill will solve all the problems of women.
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